Safeguarding |
I am worried about the safety of a child or adult; what should I do? If the individual is at immediate risk of harm then you should notify the police without delay and thereafter let your Parish Safeguarding Officer (PSO) and/or Vicar know. In all other circumstances you should contact your PSO and/or Vicar in the first instance, as soon as possible. They will take appropriate action and inform the DSA. If you are unable to speak to anybody within the diocese then you should contact the Local Authority for advice. Contact numbers for Local Authority Children and Adult Services can be found at the foot of this page. I am the victim or survivor of abuse; can the diocese help me? If the abuse is ongoing then we would encourage you to speak to somebody, for instance: someone you know and trust, your Ministry team, your DSA or the police. We can offer you pastoral support to assist you through this difficult time or we can put you in touch with an Authorised Listener or appropriate external support agencies. If the abuse is non-recent we can still offer support and assistance as set out above. If the person who has harmed you is, or was, a Church Officer, volunteer or staff member then we encourage you to tell your DSA so that we can take action. Alternatively, you can report the matter directly to the police. I have concerns about the mental wellbeing of one of the members of our congregation; what should I do? If you think someone may have suicidal thoughts and may harm themselves you should contact the police or your Local Authority immediately. If you have any other concerns then you should discuss them with your PSO or Vicar. If there are safeguarding issues then they will seek assistance from the DSA team. A sex offender wants to join my church; what should I do? You should contact your DSA who will assist you with an assessment of the risk that this individual may pose. The DSA will liaise with police and probation to ensure that both the offender and the congregation are safeguarded. You should note that the offender should not be attending church services until the risk assessment has been completed. TRUTH PROJECT The Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse is running an awareness campaign in January 2019 to make victims and survivors aware that they can speak to the Inquiry through the Truth Project. The Truth Project enables victims and survivors of child sexual abuse to share their experiences with the Inquiry and put forward recommendations for change. Key campaign messages
Diocesan Safeguarding Advisers Juliet Mclellan Jenny Leccardi Narinder Lyon Nikki Rose Sam McMorland [email protected] Click here to visit the Leeds Diocese Safeguarding Page (Please note: if you have a safeguarding enquiry that does not require the assistance of a Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser (e.g. D.B.S. or training) please contact: [email protected] or call 0113 2000 540) |